"The Fun-Centric Approach To Blogging!"... (Says Header! :D )

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Morning after Post! ;) :D

Hello all my lovely folks, reading my blog in the mid of your busy day.
This is Saturday morning in Mumbai, India and after just waking up, I have took my laptop and without even leaving the bed, the first thing I am starting my day with is a post!
The weather is super-cool here, rainy season is around. The big window by my bed is showing nice morning scene. Birds are chirping as the chill breeze passes by my hairs.
Yeas its kinda cheerful and beautiful morning.
I am getting in a poetic mood as well! ;)
A better time as well may be for couples romancing. :)
So in all it seems to be a great day, lets see!
There are many plans in my mind for the day, I have a class to catch in the evening and wanna watch Jism2 also today.
But for now all I am doing is enjoying the laziness and cozy feel of my dear fluffy pillow!
Hey wait I should not fell asleep again!
Well am already feeling dizzy a bit......or may be much lazier... hmm.. yaawwwwwn!
Hey I should finish the post but first..
Wait a min, where was I?
Umm... well....
I wanted to say like......*YAAAWWWN*.... like wat I was saying? o_0
But the day seems perfect...



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Akshat's Blog by Akshat Rastogi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.