"The Fun-Centric Approach To Blogging!"... (Says Header! :D )

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Sharing My New Email ID... to the world!!

Posting in an image to fight spam. This email ID is really beautiful and feels so proud to be the owner of it! :P Only 962 two-character combos available out of millions of outlook email IDs!!
Real people do write in.
Obvious question comes up on why chosing 'X'? Well that is the initial of my name-'Xat (Akshat)', that's why.. :D
It might be informative for people to know that Outlook only allows two-character email IDs in free domain, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL etc do not allow use of such small username, as small as one-character!
Outlook in itself provides very clean, professional and solid webmail service which is worth giving a try! 


Creative Commons License
Akshat's Blog by Akshat Rastogi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.